2025 Winer Symposium Details
Date and Time
January 25th at 12 pm – 3:30 pm Eastern Time, via Zoom
Agenda and Speakers

Deacon Simeon Spencer
Moderator, OAS Coordinator

 Opening Prayer

V. Rev. Fr. Michel Najim
AHOS President

Rt. Rev. Fr. Fadi Rabbat

Each presenter will have 15 minutes, followed by 10 minute Q&A.

Fr. Cosmin Sisoe
Maker of Heaven and Earth

Chungsoo Peter Lee
Christ Who Sits at the Right Hand of the Father

Marina Guevara-Trejo
Interpretation of Scripture According to St. Maximos the Confessor in his Quaestiones ad Thalassium

Fr. Charles Nicholas Baz
The Necessity of Saint Maximos: Confessor of Orthodoxy & Guardian of Chalcedon's Integrity

John Forman
The Influence of the First Council of Nicaea on the Confession of Dositheus's Respons to Calvinism